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2.1.3 Introduction to Frobenius groups

In 1901, Frobenius proved the following theorem: If a group $ G$ contains a proper non trivial subgroup $ H$ such that $ H\cap g^{-1}Hg=\{1_{G}\}$ for all $ g\in G\setminus H$, then there exists a normal subgroup $ N$ such that $ G$ is the semi-direct product of $ N$ and $ H$. Groups with this property - the so called Frobenius groups - arise in a natural way as transitive permutation groups, but they can also be characterized as semi-direct product of a group $ N$ and a fixed-point-free group $ H\leq \textnormal{Aut}\, N$.

In 1936, Zassenhaus determined the structure of all finite fixed-point-free automorphism groups. In 1959, Thompson managed to show that any group which admits a fixed-point-free automorphism of prime order has to be nilpotent.

The main structural result on Frobenius complements can be summarized as follows (see [Hup67] V 8.15 and 8.18):

Theorem 1   Let $ G$ be a Frobenius group with kernel $ N$ and complement $ H$. Then the following hold:
  1. All Sylow groups of $ H$ are cyclic or generalized quaternion groups.

  2. If $ H$ has even order, it contains a unique element $ h $ of order two. The kernel $ N$ is abelian and $ n^h=n^{-1} $ for all $ n\in N $.
  3. If $ H$ has odd order, it is metacyclic, i.e., it has a cyclic normal subgroup with cyclic factor group. If $ h\in H $ has prime order, then the subgroup generated by $ h $ is normal and either contained in the center $ Z(H) $ or in the derived subgroup $ H' $.

Let us give one example of a fixed-point-free automorphism group acting on $ N = \mathbb{Z}_{13}\times\mathbb{Z}_{13}$. The subgroup $ \Phi$ of GL$ (2,13)$ that is generated by the matrices $ \left(
3 & 4 \\
4 & -3
\end{smallmatrix}\right)$ and $ \left(
0 & -1 \\
1 & 0
\end{smallmatrix}\right)$ operates fixed-point-freely on $ N$ by multiplication. $ \Phi$ is isomorphic to the quaternion group with $ 8$ elements.

The main point for our purposes is the fact: ``Every planar near-ring determines a Frobenius group, and conversely''. Both theories benefit from each other.

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Peter Mayr 2002-08-12