Linz Algebra Research Day '10

We would like to invite everybody to an informal meeting of algebraists in Linz on Friday, June 4th, 2010 in the Hörsaal 4 of the JKU.

The idea is that people from the different departments (RICAM, RISC, JKU Algebra department, etc.) and generally all who are interested in algebra come together and give a brief overview of their current research - just so that people know what the others are doing.

Presentations should be no longer than 10 minutes, preferably on blackboard, and aiming at a general algebraic audience. If you plan to talk, please send a title to David Sevilla. There is no deadline!

Additionally, we will celebrate Günter Pilz's 65th birthday with an invited speaker: Gerhard Betsch from the Universität Tübingen.


09:30David Sevilla: The Casas-Alvero conjecture
09:45Clemens Raab: Symbolic computation of parameter integrals
10:00Günter Pilz: Polynomials over universal algebras
Coffee break
10:30Gary Peterson: Units in polynomial near-rings
10:45Gerhard Wendt: Units in near rings
11:00Stuart D. Scott: Compatible extensions of near-ring modules
Coffee break
11:30 - 12:30Gerhard Betsch, Universität Tübingen: Angewandte Nichtlinearität - zum Wirken von Günter Pilz
14:00Erhard Aichinger: The number of finite algebraic structures
14:15Gábor Hegedüs: The boundary volume of lattice polytopes
14:30Tim Boykett: Synchronising and collapsing permutation groups in the Clone lattice
14:45Arne Winterhof: Fermat quotients modulo p
Coffee break
15:15Milan Stehlik: Random elements in distributive lattices
15:30Josef Schicho: The number of stickers needed to complete an album
15:45Jonathan Farley: The wide partition conjecture: the defeat of Algebra?

Organized by David Sevilla and Erhard Aichinger