Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics

This is the research seminar of the Instiute of Algebra, where we discuss ongoing research activities of ourselves and visitors. Students considering to do a bachelor's or master's or phd thesis at the institute are welcome to participate in the seminar in order to get a flavor of what we are doing. As a JKU student, you can get credits for attending the seminar if you give a talk. If you want to do this, please contact Manuel Kauers in order to discuss possible topics. Even if you don't want to give a talk but only listen to what we are doing, please register for the seminar in KUSSS. (No negative credits will be issued for people dropping out during the semester, or for attendees who don't want to contribute a talk.)

Unless otherwise stated, the seminar takes place on Mondays, 15.30--17.00 in S2 059.


05.10.2015Manuel Kauers: Sparse Interpolation
12.10.2015Rika Yatchak: A primer on lattice path combinatorics
19.10.2015Erhard Aichinger: Forks, finitely related clones, and finitely generated varieties
09.11.2015Tim Boykett: Toffoli Gates I (45min);
Manuel Kauers: Integral D-finite Functions (45min)
16.11.2015Tim Boykett: Toffoli Gates II (45min);
Peter Fuchs: On the construction of matrix units (45min)
23.11.2015Peter Mayr: Generation in direct products
25.11.2015, 16.00--18.00Steve Melczer: Effective analytic combinatorics in several variables, with applications to lattice path enumeration (joint Seminar with the Algorithmic Combinatorics Group at RISC; this talk takes place in Hagenberg)
30.11.2015Yi Zhang: Contraction of Ore Ideals
07.12.2015Markus Steindl: The subpower membership problem for semigroups
14.12.2015Frederik Saxinger: TBA
11.01.2016Matteo Gallet: Counting Irreducible Components of Algebraic Varieties
18.01.2016Manuel Kauers and Christoph Koutschan: "Platz für ..." – what is a place?
25.01.2016, 16.00Manuel Kauers: Inauguration lecture