Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics

This is the research seminar of the Instiute of Algebra, where we discuss ongoing research activities of ourselves and visitors. Students considering to do a bachelor's or master's or phd thesis at the institute are welcome to participate in the seminar in order to get a flavor of what we are doing. As a JKU student, you can get credits for attending the seminar if you give a talk. If you want to do this, please contact Manuel Kauers in order to discuss possible topics. Even if you don't want to give a talk but only listen to what we are doing, please register for the seminar in KUSSS. (No negative credits will be issued for people dropping out during the semester, or for attendees who don't want to contribute a talk.)

Unless otherwise stated, the seminar takes place on Thursdays, 13.45--15.15 in S2 219.


07.03.2019  13:45
Manuel Kauers,
13009 new ways to multiply 3x3 matrices
S2 219
14.03.2019  13:45
Carl Maxson, Texas A&M
Congruence preserving functions on finite groups
S2 219
21.03.2019  13:45
Thibaut Verron,
Signature-based algorithms for computing Gröbner bases over Principal Ideal Domains
S2 219
28.03.2019  13:45
Peter Fuchs,
Infinite Frobenius Groups
S2 219
28.03.2019  14:30
Georg Regensburger,
Computer algebra in the cloud with CoCalc
S2 219
29.03.2019  10:15
Paolo Aglianò, University of Siena
Mal'cev classes and Mal'cev conditions: selected topics
S2 054
04.04.2019  13:45
Jan Legersky,
Rigid Graphs that are Movable
S2 219
11.04.2019  13:45
Lixin Du, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Existence Problem of Telescopers for Rational Functions in Three Variables: the Mixed Cases
S2 219
02.05.2019  13:45
Sebastian Moharitsch,
Cell enumeration in hyperplane arrangements
S2 219
02.05.2019  14:30
Clemens Raab,
Interpretation of algebraic computations with operators
S2 219
09.05.2019  13:45
Benjamin Hackl, Universitaet Klagenfurt
Cutting Down and Growing Trees
S2 219
16.05.2019  13:45
Lydia Lichtenberger,
Encoding clones
S2 219
16.05.2019  14:30
Stefan Immler,
Reverse order law for outer inverses of matrices
S2 219
23.05.2019  13:45
Stefano Fioravanti,
Mal'cev conditions on the reflexive subalgebras lattice
S2 219
23.05.2019  14:30
Jakob Moosbauer,
Automated Proofs of Congruence Theorems
S2 219
06.06.2019  13:45
Florian Aichinger,
About probability in universal algebra
S2 219
13.06.2019  13:45
Sebastian Kreinecker,
Coordinatization of solvable algebras
S2 219
13.06.2019  14:30
Simon Breneis,
Lower Bound of the Linear Complexity of the Fast Fourier Transform
S2 219
27.06.2019  13:45
Manfred Buchacher,
Fiber Polytopes and Fractional Power Series
S2 219