03.10.2024 13:45 | Manuel Kauers,
A Shape Lemma for Differential Operators
BA 9911 |
10.10.2024 13:45 | Jeremy Berthomieu, Sorbonne
Algorithms for Gröbner bases change of order
BA 9911 |
17.10.2024 13:45 | Charlotte Hardouin, Univ Toulouse
Galois group for large steps walks
K 012D |
24.10.2024 13:45 | Steven Senger, Missouri State University
Dot product problems in various settings
K 012D |
24.10.2024 14:30 | Paul Hametner,
The Neighborhood Conjecture for biased Maker-Breaker games
K 012D |
31.10.2024 13:45 | Peter Fuchs,
Anshel-Clay nearrings
K 012D |
07.11.2024 13:45 | Oliver Roche-Newton,
The minimum degree question for the Maker Breaker Domination game
S2 048 |
14.11.2024 13:45 | Raphael Pages,
p-Riccati equation and factorisations of linear differential operators in positive characteristic
HT 177F |
21.11.2024 13:45 | Mario Ullrich,
s-numbers of operators in Banach spaces and applications
K 034D |
28.11.2024 13:45 | Lixin Du,
Symbolic summation in multivariate difference fields
K 009D |
05.12.2024 13:45 | Michalis Kokkinos,
Incidence theory and applications
12.12.2024 13:45 | Erhard Aichinger,
Ax-Katz type results for the number of solutions of equations over finite abelian groups
MZ 005B |
12.12.2024 14:30 | Isaac Wood,
Simple formulas for sums of squares
MZ 005B |
19.12.2024 13:45 | Thomas Speckhofer,
Fast computation of special resultants
P 215 |
09.01.2025 13:45 | Christoph Koutschan,
BA 9911 |
16.01.2025 13:45 | Liam Smithers,
BA 9911 |
23.01.2025 13:45 | Niels Lubbes,
BA 9911 |
30.01.2025 13:45 | Manfred Buchacher,
S2 219 |