10.10.2019 13:45 | Manuel Kauers,
S2 219 |
17.10.2019 13:45 | Johanna Gottwald,
Sylow and Hall Theorems
S2 219 |
17.10.2019 14:40 | Erhard Aichinger,
S2 219 |
24.10.2019 13:45 | Amelie Trotignon,
Walks in the three-quarter plane
S2 219 |
31.10.2019 13:45 | Gerhard Wendt,
Primeness and Primitivity in Near-rings
S2 219 |
07.11.2019 13:45 | Clemens Raab,
On rational solutions of linear systems of Mahler equations
S2 219 |
07.11.2019 14:30 | Georg Regensburger,
Positive solutions of binomial equations
S2 219 |
14.11.2019 13:45 | Michael Kompatscher, Charles U Prague
Computational problems over nilpotent algebras (from modular varieties)
S2 0219 |
14.11.2019 14:15 | Attila J. Földvári, Charles U Prague
The subpower membership problem
S2 0219 |
14.11.2019 14:45 | Andrew Moorhead, Charles U Prague
What is the 'right' definition of supernilpotence?
S2 0219 |
21.11.2019 13:45 | Sebastian Kreinecker,
Monomial Clones
S2 219 |
28.11.2019 13:45 | Jakob Moosbauer,
Chevalley-Warning type results on abelian groups
S2 219 |
05.12.2019 13:45 | Gargi Mukherjee,
Euler-MacLaurin Summation Formula and its Applications
S2 219 |
12.12.2019 13:45 | Philipp Nuspl,
The complexity of solving equations over groups
S2 219 |
19.12.2019 13:45 | Clemens Hofstadler,
(Non-)commutative F4
S2 219 |
19.12.2019 14:30 | Guenter Pilz,
On the number of terms of polynomials in principal ideals
S2 219 |
09.01.2020 13:45 | Manfred Buchacher,
Finding Variable Separated Polynomials in Ideals
S2 219 |
16.01.2020 13:45 | Marcus Aichmayr,
Computing Elementary Vectors of a linear subspace
S2 219 |
16.01.2020 14:30 | Maximilian Jaroschek,
First order differential and difference systems in Sage
S2 219 |
23.01.2020 13:45 | Stefano Fioravanti,
Clones of expanded groups of squarefree order
S2 219 |