Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics

Schedule for ss2024

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07.03.2024  13:45
Manuel Kauers,
T 406/1
14.03.2024  13:45
Alin Bostan, Inria
How to decide if a D-finite power series is algebraic?
21.03.2024  13:45
Erhard Aichinger, JKU
How to describe polynomial functions - a survey of completeness results
T 406/1
04.04.2024  13:45
Yiman Gao,
An Additive Decomposition over Exponential Extensions
S2 059
11.04.2024  13:45
Simon Grünbacher,
The Algorithmic Lovasz Local Lemma
HS 11
18.04.2024  13:45
Iryna Raievska and Maryna Raievska, University of Warsaw; Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Local nearrings and GAP
S3 057
25.04.2024  13:45
Andreas Plank,
(Counter-) Model Counting for Quantified Boolean Formulas
S3 057
02.05.2024  13:45
Xiuyun Li,
Towards a Parallel Summation Algorithm
S3 057
16.05.2024  13:45
Yisen Wang,
Generalized Hermite Reduction, Creative Telescoping and Definite Integration of D-Finite Functions
S3 057
23.05.2024  13:45
Thomas Speckhofer,
Symmetric Polynomials and Beyond, part 1
S3 057
06.06.2024  13:45
Thi Xuan Vu,
Symmetric Polynomials and Beyond, part 2
P 004
13.06.2024  13:45
Peter Fuchs,
Kernels of covered groups with operators from an inverse semigroup
P 004
20.06.2024  13:45
Manfred Buchacher,
An introduction to tropical geometry
P 004
27.06.2024  13:45
Klara Bernauer,
Nullspace over the multivariate polynomials over a single algebraic extension
S3 048