Seminar Algebra and Discrete Mathematics

Schedule for ss2023

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16.03.2023  13:45
Manuel Kauers,
Transcendence Certificates for D-finite Functions
S2 054
23.03.2023  13:45
Maximilian Jaroschek,
15 Jahre Studium? Von der Forschung in die freie Wirtschaft
K 224B
23.03.2023  14:30
Philip Turecek, U Erlangen
Counting finite magmas
K 224B
30.03.2023  13:45
Diana Carolina Montoya, Universität Wien
Combinatorics of the reals and independence results
S2 054
20.04.2023  13:45
Matias Bender, Inria
Gröbner bases and systems of sparse polynomial equations
27.04.2023  13:45
Jakob Moosbauer,
The Boyer-Moore Algorithm for String Matching in Linear Time
S2 054
11.05.2023  13:45
Philipp Nuspl,
Positive Sequences in the OEIS
S2 054
25.05.2023  13:45
Manfred Buchacher,
Separating Variables in Bivariate Polynomial Ideals: The Local Case
S2 054
01.06.2023  13:45
Bernardo Rossi,
Polynomial interpolation in Mal'cev algebras
MT 226
15.06.2023  13:45
Simon Grünbacher,
Identity testing for sparse polynomials on rectangular domains
S2 054
22.06.2023  13:45
Clemens Raab,
On integration in finite terms
29.06.2023  13:45
Thibaut Verron,
Computing tropical varieties using Tate series
MT 226
29.06.2023  14:30
Jonas Guru,
Galois Theory: An illustrating algorithm
MT 226
21.07.2023  17:00
Wen-Fong Ke, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Sequences from symmetric products of {1,...,k}
S2 0371
16.08.2023  13:45
Dominik Baumann,
Automorphism group sizes of random graphs
S3 057
16.08.2023  14:30
Laura Dilly,
Maker-Breaker domination game
S3 057
16.08.2023  14:50
Robert Dougherty-Bliss,
New primality tests and their (very big) pseudoprimes
S3 057