08.03.2018 13:45 | Manuel Kauers,
Symmetry breaking in SAT and QBF
S2 219 |
15.03.2018 13:45 | Thomas Sturm, CNRS, Inria, and the University of Lorraine, Nancy
Real Problems over the Reals From Complete Elimination Procedures to Subtropical Decisions
S2 219 |
22.03.2018 13:45 | Erhard Aichinger,
Various meanings of "nilpotency": From groups to universal algebras
S2 219 |
22.03.2018 14:30 | Christoph Koutschan, RICAM
Search for Wolstenholme Primes
S2 219 |
12.04.2018 13:45 | Temur Kutsia,
Generalization algorithms and applications
S2 219 |
19.04.2018 13:45 | Maria Francis,
Signature-based Gröbner basis algorithms for polynomial rings over rings
S2 219 |
26.04.2018 13:45 | Fritz Kliemann,
Deciding Presburger arithmetic using finite automatons
S2 219 |
26.04.2018 14:30 | Yi Zhang,
Desingularization in the q-Weyl algebra
S2 219 |
03.05.2018 13:45 | Sebastian Moharitsch,
Best known Strassen applications for 3x3 and 5x5 matrix multiplication with a construction by tensors isotropies
S2 219 |
03.05.2018 14:30 | Ingolf Neumüller,
A new explanation of Strassen's algorithm
S2 219 |
17.05.2018 14:30 | Jamal Hossein Poor,
Symbolic computation for integro-differential-time-delay operators with matrix coefficients
S2 219 |
24.05.2018 13:45 | Philipp Nuspl,
Solving Linear Recurrence Equations with Polynomial Coefficients
S2 219 |
24.05.2018 14:30 | Nikolaus Felbermair,
(1 + i)-ary GCD Computation in Z[i] as an Analogue to the Binary GCD Algorithm
S2 219 |
07.06.2018 13:45 | Clemens Hofstadler,
Implementation of D-finite sequences/functions in Sage
S2 219 |
07.06.2018 14:30 | Sophie Hofmanninger,
Plane Partitions
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14.06.2018 13:45 | Elisabeth Landl,
The Fuchs Relation
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14.06.2018 14:30 | Maximilian Jaroschek,
Low Order Recombinations of C-Finite Sequences
S2 219 |
21.06.2018 13:45 | Manfred Buchacher,
going together. lattice walks and the kernel method.
S2 219 |
21.06.2018 14:30 | Tim Boykett,
Notes on the 'physics' of computation
S2 219 |
28.06.2018 13:45 | Stefano Fioravanti,
Clones on Z_p x Z_q
S2 219 |
28.06.2018 14:30 | Sebastian Kreinecker,
Closed function sets on groups of prime order
S2 219 |