
Differentially finite functions and sequences

The dfinite_function module provides functionality for doing computations with D-finite functions and sequences.

A D-finite sequence can be represented by an ore operator which annihilates the sequence (for further information about ore operators check the ore_algebra package), the operators singularities and a finite amount of initial values.

A D-finite function can be envisioned as a power series, therefore it can be represented via a D-finite sequence which describes the coefficient sequence and an ore operator which annhilates the function.

D-finite sequences and functions are elements of D-finite function rings. D-finite function rings are ring objects created by the function DFiniteFunctionRing as described below.

Depending on the particular parent ring, D-finite functions/sequences may support different functionality. For example, for D-finite sequences, there is a method for computing an interlacing sequence, an operation which does not make sense for D-finite functions. However basic arithmetic, such as addition and multiplication is implemented for both cases.


  • Manuel Kauers, Stephanie Schwaiger, Clemens Hofstadler (2017-07-15)


DFiniteFunction(parent, ann, initial_val[, …]) An abstract class representing objects depending on one or more differential and one or more discrete variables defined by an annihilating holonomic system and a suitable set of initial conditions.
DFiniteFunctionRing(ore_algebra[, domain, …]) A Ring of Dfinite objects (functions or sequences)
UnivariateDFiniteFunction(parent, ann, …) D-finite function in a single differentiable variable.
UnivariateDFiniteSequence(parent, ann, …) D-finite sequence in a single discrete variable.
class ore_algebra.dfinite_function.DFiniteFunction(parent, ann, initial_val, is_gen=False, construct=False, cache=True)

An abstract class representing objects depending on one or more differential and one or more discrete variables defined by an annihilating holonomic system and a suitable set of initial conditions.


Return the annihilating operator of self


Return the base ring of the parent of self.


Return a copy of self but with an annihilating operator of an Ore algebra over R


Return a copy of self but with an Ore operator in the variable var


  • var – the new variable


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(ZZ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: a = UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D, "Sn**2 - Sn - 1", [0,1])
sage: c = a.change_variable_name('x')
sage: a
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator Sn^2 - Sn - 1 and the initial conditions {0: 0, 1: 1}
sage: c
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator x^2 - x - 1 and the initial conditions {0: 0, 1: 1}

Tries to compress the D-finite object self as much as possible by trying to find a smaller annihilating operator and deleting redundant initial conditions.


A D-finite object which is equal to self but may consist of a smaller operator (in terms of the order) and less initial conditions. In the worst case if no compression is possible self is returned.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D1 = DFiniteFunctionRing(A)
sage: UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D1,"((n-3)*(n-5))*(Sn^2 - Sn - 1)",{0:0,1:1,5:5,7:13})
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator (n^2 - 8*n + 15)*Sn^2 + (-n^2 + 8*n - 15)*Sn - n^2 + 8*n - 15 and the initial conditions {0: 0, 1: 1, 5: 5, 7: 13}
sage: _.compress()
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator -Sn^2 + Sn + 1 and the initial conditions {0: 0, 1: 1}

sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: B = OreAlgebra(QQ[x],'Dx')
sage: D2 = DFiniteFunctionRing(B)
sage: D2(sin(x)^2*cos(x)^2)
Univariate D-finite function defined by the annihilating operator Dx^5 + 20*Dx^3 + 64*Dx and the coefficient sequence defined by (n^14 + 10*n^13 + 5*n^12 - 250*n^11 - 753*n^10 + 1230*n^9 + 8015*n^8 + 5450*n^7 - 21572*n^6 - 35240*n^5 + 480*n^4 + 28800*n^3 + 13824*n^2)*Sn^4 + (20*n^12 + 60*n^11 - 560*n^10 - 1800*n^9 + 4260*n^8 + 16380*n^7 - 5480*n^6 - 49200*n^5 - 21280*n^4 + 34560*n^3 + 23040*n^2)*Sn^2 + 64*n^10 - 1920*n^8 + 17472*n^6 - 52480*n^4 + 36864*n^2 and {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 0, 4: -4/3, 5: 0, 6: 32/45, 7: 0, 8: -64/315}
sage: _.compress()
Univariate D-finite function defined by the annihilating operator Dx^3 + 16*Dx and the coefficient sequence defined by (n^3 + 3*n^2 + 2*n)*Sn^2 + 16*n and {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1}
critical_points(order=None, backwards=False)

Returns the singularities of self and the values around those singularities that can be affected.


  • order (default: the order of the annihilating operator of self) – nonnegative integer that determines how many values after or before each singularity are returned
  • backwards (default False) – boolean value that determines whether we are interested in the critial points for forward calculation, i.e. the singularities of the leading coefficent and order many values after each singularity, or in those for backward calculation, i.e. the singularities of the coefficient of minimal degree (regarding Sn or Dx`respectively) and ``order` many values before each singularity.


A set containing the critical points for forward calculation (if backwards is False) or those for backward calculation.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: a = UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D,"(n-3)*(n+2)*Sn^3 + n^2*Sn^2 - (n-1)*(n+5)*Sn", {0:0,1:1,2:2,6:1,-4:1})
sage: a.critical_points()
{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9}
sage: a.critical_points(2,True)
{-6, -5, -4}

Return all initial conditions of self.

In the discrete case the initial conditions are all values that are saved, i.e. the initial values and all singularities. In the differential case this method will return the coefficient sequence of self in form of a UnivariateDFiniteSequence object. To get all saved values of a UnivariateDFiniteFunction one has to call this method twice (see examples).


#discrete case
sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D1 = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: a = UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D1, "(n+3)*(n-2)*Sn^2 + Sn + 4*n", {0:0,1:1,4:3,-1:2})
sage: a.initial_conditions()
{-1: 2, 0: 0, 1: 1, 4: 3}

#differential case
sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: B = OreAlgebra(QQ['x'],'Dx')
sage: D2 = DFiniteFunctionRing(B)
sage: b = UnivariateDFiniteFunction(D2, "(x-3)*Dx - 1", {0:-3})
sage: b.initial_conditions()
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator (-3*n - 3)*Sn + n - 1 and the initial conditions {0: -3}
sage: b.initial_conditions().initial_conditions()
{0: -3}

Return the initial values of self in form of a list.

In the discrete case those are the first r sequence terms, where r is the order of the annihilating operator of self. In the differential case those are the first r coefficients of self, where r is again the order of the annihilating operator of self. Singularities that might be saved will not be considered, unless they are within the first r terms. To get all saved values (initial values plus singularities) use the method initial_conditions


#discrete case
sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D1 = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: a = UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D1, "(n+3)*(n-2)*Sn^2 + Sn + 4*n", {0:0,1:1,4:3,-1:2})
sage: a.initial_values()
[0, 1]

#differential case
sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: B = OreAlgebra(QQ['x'],'Dx')
sage: D2 = DFiniteFunctionRing(B)
sage: b = UnivariateDFiniteFunction(D2, "(x-3)*Dx - 1", {0:-3})
sage: b.initial_values()

Return False; the parent ring is not finitely generated.


Return True if self is a unit.

This is the case if the annihialting operator of self has order 1. Otherwise we can not decide whether self is a unit or not.


Return the precision of this object.


Tries to delete factors of order 0 of the annihilating operator of self which appear more than once. Additionally this method tries to delete redundant initial conditions. This method is a subroutine of compress


A D-finite object which is equal to self but may consist of a smaller operator (in terms of the degree) and less initial conditions. In the worst case if no reduction is possible self is returned.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D1 = DFiniteFunctionRing(A)
sage: UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D1,"((n-3)*(n-5))*(Sn^2 - Sn - 1)",{0:0,1:1,5:5,7:13})
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator (n^2 - 8*n + 15)*Sn^2 + (-n^2 + 8*n - 15)*Sn - n^2 + 8*n - 15 and the initial conditions {0: 0, 1: 1, 5: 5, 7: 13}
sage: _.reduce_factors()
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator Sn^2 - Sn - 1 and the initial conditions {0: 0, 1: 1}

sage: B = OreAlgebra(QQ[x],'Dx')
sage: D2 = DFiniteFunctionRing(B)
sage: D2(sin(x)^2*cos(x)^2)
Univariate D-finite function defined by the annihilating operator Dx^5 + 20*Dx^3 + 64*Dx and the coefficient sequence defined by (n^14 + 10*n^13 + 5*n^12 - 250*n^11 - 753*n^10 + 1230*n^9 + 8015*n^8 + 5450*n^7 - 21572*n^6 - 35240*n^5 + 480*n^4 + 28800*n^3 + 13824*n^2)*Sn^4 + (20*n^12 + 60*n^11 - 560*n^10 - 1800*n^9 + 4260*n^8 + 16380*n^7 - 5480*n^6 - 49200*n^5 - 21280*n^4 + 34560*n^3 + 23040*n^2)*Sn^2 + 64*n^10 - 1920*n^8 + 17472*n^6 - 52480*n^4 + 36864*n^2 and {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 0, 4: -4/3, 5: 0, 6: 32/45, 7: 0, 8: -64/315}
sage: _.reduce_factors()
Univariate D-finite function defined by the annihilating operator Dx^5 + 20*Dx^3 + 64*Dx and the coefficient sequence defined by (n^9 + 20*n^8 + 170*n^7 + 800*n^6 + 2273*n^5 + 3980*n^4 + 4180*n^3 + 2400*n^2 + 576*n)*Sn^4 + (20*n^7 + 260*n^6 + 1340*n^5 + 3500*n^4 + 4880*n^3 + 3440*n^2 + 960*n)*Sn^2 + 64*n^5 + 640*n^4 + 2240*n^3 + 3200*n^2 + 1536*n and {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 1, 3: 0, 4: -4/3}

Returns the integer singularities of the annihilating operator of self.


  • backwards (default False) – boolean value that decides whether the singularities needed for the forward calculation are returned or those for backward calculation.


  • If backwards is False, a set containing the roots of the leading coefficient of the annihilator of self shifted by its order is returned
  • If backwards is True, a set containing the roots of the coefficient corresponding to the term of minimal order (regarding Sn or Dx respectively) is returned; shifted by the order of this term


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: a = UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D,"(n-3)*(n+2)*Sn^3 + n^2*Sn^2 - (n-1)*(n+5)*Sn", {0:0,1:1,2:2,6:1,-4:1})
sage: a.singularities()
{1, 6}
sage: a.singularities(True)
{-4, 2}
class ore_algebra.dfinite_function.DFiniteFunctionRing(ore_algebra, domain=Non negative integer semiring, name=None, element_class=None, category=None)

A Ring of Dfinite objects (functions or sequences)


Return the base ring over which the Ore algebra of the DFiniteFunctionRing is defined


Return a copy of self but with the base ring R


Return a copy of self but with the domain R


Return the characteristic of this DFiniteFunctionRing, which is the same as that of its base ring.


Return the domain over which the DFiniteFunctionRing is defined


Returns whether self is commutative. This is true for the function ring as well as the sequence ring


Return True if the Ore algebra over which the DFiniteFunctionRing is defined is exact


A DFiniteFunctionRing is not a field


Return False since DFiniteFunctionRings are not finite (unless the base ring is 0.)


Returns whether self is an integral domain. In the discrete case this is False; in the differential case this is true.


Return the Ore algebra over which the DFiniteFunctionRing is defined

random_element(degree=2, *args, **kwds)

Return a random D-finite object.


-degree (default 2) – the degree of the ore operator of the random D-finite object


A D-finite sequence/function with a random ore operator of degree degree and random initial values constisting of integers between -100 and 100.


#discrete case
sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D1 = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: D1.random_element() # random
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator (-n^2 + n)*Sn^2 + (22/9*n - 1/622)*Sn - 5/6*n^2 - n - 1 and the initial conditions {0: -88, 1: 18, 2: -49, 3: -67}

#differential case
sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: B = OreAlgebra(QQ['x'],'Dx')
sage: D2 = DFiniteFunctionRing(B)
sage: D2.random_element(3) # random
Univariate D-finite function defined by the annihilating operator 20*x*Dx^3 + (2/31*x^2 + 1/2*x + 1/2)*Dx^2 + (2*x^2 - 2*x + 1)*Dx + x^2 - 1/6 and the coefficient sequence defined by (20*n^3 + 361/2*n^2 + 1047/2*n + 486)*Sn^4 + (1/2*n^2 + 7/2*n + 6)*Sn^3 + (2/31*n^2 - 56/31*n - 751/186)*Sn^2 + (2*n + 2)*Sn + 1 and {0: -53, 1: 69, 2: -90, 3: -86}
class ore_algebra.dfinite_function.UnivariateDFiniteFunction(parent, ann, initial_val, is_gen=False, construct=False, cache=True)

D-finite function in a single differentiable variable.

evaluate(z, n=0)

Tries to numerically evaluate the n-th derivative of self at z


  • z – either a datatype that can be transformed into a float or a list of floating point numbers starting with 0 and ending with the value that which the derivation should be computed. The list should provide a path from 0 to the evaluation point, not crossing any singularities of the annihilating operator of self (for further information see the documentation of the method numerical_solution of the OreAlgebra package).
  • n (default 0) – a non-negative integer


The evaluation of the n-th derivative of self at z if z is a floating point number. If z is a list, then the evaluation of the n-th derivative of self at the last point of the list is computed.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['x'],'Dx')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A)
sage: x = A.base_ring().gen()
sage: a = D(3*x^5 + 4*x^2 - 8*x +13)
sage: sin = D(sin(x))
sage: a.evaluate(0,0)
sage: a.evaluate(0,1)
sage: sin.evaluate(pi/2,0)
sage: sin.evaluate(pi,1)
expand(n, deriv=False)

Return a list of the first n+1 coefficients of self if deriv``is False. If ``deriv is True the first n+1 derivations of self at x=0 are returned.


  • n – a non-negative integer
  • deriv (default False) – boolean value. Determines whether the coefficients (default) or derivations of self are returned


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['x'],'Dx')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A)
sage: x = A.base_ring().gen()
sage: e = D(exp(x))
sage: e.expand(10)
[1, 1, 1/2, 1/6, 1/24, 1/120, 1/720, 1/5040, 1/40320, 1/362880, 1/3628800]
sage: e.expand(10,True)
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Return the D-finite function corresponding to the Hadamard product of self and right. The Hadamard product of two formal power series a(x) = sum_{n=0}^infty a_n x^n and b(x) = sum_{n=0}^infty b_n x^n is defined as a(x) odot b(x) := sum_{n=0}^infty a_nb_n x^n


Return the D-finite function corresponding to the integral of self. By integral the formal integral of a power series is meant, i.e. int a(x) = int_0^x sum_{n=0}^infty a_n x^n = sum_{n=0}^infty frac{a_n}{n+1} x^{n+1}


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ[x],'Dx')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A)
sage: c = D(cos(x))
sage: c.integral()
Univariate D-finite function defined by the annihilating operator Dx^3 + Dx and the coefficient sequence defined by (n^7 + n^6 - 5*n^5 - 5*n^4 + 4*n^3 + 4*n^2)*Sn^2 + n^5 - 2*n^4 - n^3 + 2*n^2 and {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 0, 3: -1/6, 4: 0}
sage: _ == D(sin(x))

Try to convert self into a polynomial.


Either a polynomial f(x) from the base ring of the OreAlgebra of the annihilating operator of self such that f(x) is the explicit form of self (if self represents a polynomial) or an error message if no such polynomial exists.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['x'],'Dx')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A)
sage: x = A.base_ring().gen()
sage: a = D(3*x^3 + 5*x - 10)
sage: a.to_polynomial()
3*x^3 + 5*x - 10
sage: l = D(legendre_P(5,x))
sage: l
Univariate D-finite function defined by the annihilating operator (63/8*x^5 - 35/4*x^3 + 15/8*x)*Dx - 315/8*x^4 + 105/4*x^2 - 15/8 and the coefficient sequence defined by (15/8*n + 45/8)*Sn^4 + (-35/4*n + 35/4)*Sn^2 + 63/8*n - 315/8 and {0: 0, 1: 15/8, 2: 0, 3: -35/4}
sage: l.to_polynomial()
63/8*x^5 - 35/4*x^3 + 15/8*x

Try to convert self into a rational function.


Either a rational function r(x) from the fraction field of the base ring of the OreAlgebra of the annihilating operator of self such that r(x) is the explicit form of self (if self represents a rational function) or an error message if no such function exists.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['x'],'Dx')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A)
sage: x = A.base_ring().gen()
sage: a = D((x^2+3*x-4)/(x^5+4*x^3+10))
sage: a.to_rational()
(x^2 + 3*x - 4)/(x^5 + 4*x^3 + 10)
sage: l = D(legendre_P(5,x)/legendre_P(3,x))
sage: l
Univariate D-finite function defined by the annihilating operator (63/20*x^6 - 539/100*x^4 + 57/20*x^2 - 9/20)*Dx - 63/10*x^5 + 189/25*x^3 - 27/10*x and the coefficient sequence defined by (-9/20*n - 27/10)*Sn^6 + (57/20*n + 87/10)*Sn^4 + (-539/100*n - 161/50)*Sn^2 + 63/20*n - 63/10 and {0: -5/4, 1: 0, 2: 15/4, 3: 0, 4: 1, 5: 0}
sage: l.to_rational()
(63/20*x^4 - 7/2*x^2 + 3/4)/(x^2 - 3/5)
class ore_algebra.dfinite_function.UnivariateDFiniteSequence(parent, ann, initial_val, is_gen=False, construct=False, cache=True)

D-finite sequence in a single discrete variable.


Return the cauchy product of self and right

The result is the cauchy product of self and right. To get the termwise product (Hadamard product) use the method _mul_. This method uses the method symmetric_product (but in an OreAlgebra with the differential operator) of the OreAlgebra package to get the new annihilator. If self or right contains a None value at a certain position, then the cauchy product will have None entries at this position and all positions afterwards.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: a = UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D,"(n + 1)*Sn + n + 1", {0:1,-1:0}) #Taylor coefficients of 1/(x+1)
sage: a.expand(10)
[1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1]
sage: b = UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D,"(n + 1)*Sn + n - 1",{0:1,1:1}) #Taylor coefficients of x+1
sage: b.expand(10)
[1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
sage: a.cauchy_product(b).expand(10)
[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Return all the terms of self between 0 and n


  • n – an integer; if self is defined over the domain ZZ then n can also be negative


A list starting with the 0-th term up to the n-th term of self.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: a = UnivariateDFiniteSequence(D, "Sn^2 - Sn - 1", [0,1]) #the Fibonacci numbers
sage: a.expand(10)
[0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]
sage: a.expand(-10)
[0, 1, -1, 2, -3, 5, -8, 13, -21, 34, -55]

Return the interlaced sequence of self and right. interlace uses the method annihilator_of_interlacing of the OreAlgebra package to get the new operator.


If self is of the form a_0,a_1,a_2,dots and right is of the form b_0,b_1,b_2,dots, then the result is a UnivariateDFiniteSequence object that represents the sequence a_0,b_0,a_1,b_1,a_2,b_2,dots


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: n = A.base_ring().gen()
sage: a = D(n)
sage: b = D(1/n)
sage: c = a.interlace(b)
sage: c.expand(10)
[0, None, 1, 1, 2, 1/2, 3, 1/3, 4, 1/4, 5]

Return the sequence (s_n)_{n=0}^infty with s_n = sum_{k=0}^n self[k].


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A)
sage: n = A.base_ring().gen()
sage: a = D(1/(n+1))
sage: a.sum()
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator (n + 3)*Sn^2 + (-2*n - 5)*Sn + n + 2 and the initial conditions {0: 1, 1: 3/2}
sage: _ == D(harmonic_number(n+1))

Try to convert self into a polynomial.


Either a polynomial f(n) from the base ring of the OreAlgebra of the annihilating operator of self such that self(n) = f(n) for all n in NN or an error message if no such polynomial exists.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: n = A.base_ring().gen()
sage: a = D(3*n^3 + 5*n - 10)
sage: a.to_polynomial()
3*n^3 + 5*n - 10
sage: l = D(legendre_P(5,n))
sage: l
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator (63/8*n^5 - 35/4*n^3 + 15/8*n)*Sn - 63/8*n^5 - 315/8*n^4 - 70*n^3 - 105/2*n^2 - 15*n - 1 and the initial conditions {-1: -1, 0: 0, 1: 1}
sage: l.to_polynomial()
63/8*n^5 - 35/4*n^3 + 15/8*n

Try to convert self into a rational function.


Either a rational function r(n) from the fraction field of the base ring of the OreAlgebra of the annihilating operator of self such that self(n) = r(n) for all n in NN (eventually except from pols) or an error message if no such rational function exists.


sage: from ore_algebra import *
sage: A = OreAlgebra(QQ['n'],'Sn')
sage: D = DFiniteFunctionRing(A,ZZ)
sage: n = A.base_ring().gen()
sage: a = D((n^2+3*n-4)/(n^5+4*n^3+10*n))
sage: a.to_rational()
(n^2 + 3*n - 4)/(n^5 + 4*n^3 + 10*n)
sage: l = D(legendre_P(5,n)/legendre_P(3,n))
sage: l
Univariate D-finite sequence defined by the annihilating operator (63/20*n^6 + 63/10*n^5 - 56/25*n^4 - 7*n^3 - 13/20*n^2 + 3/2*n + 3/10)*Sn - 63/20*n^6 - 63/5*n^5 - 1351/100*n^4 + 49/25*n^3 + 221/25*n^2 + 84/25*n + 6/25 and the initial conditions {0: -5/4}
sage: l.to_rational()
(63/20*n^4 - 7/2*n^2 + 3/4)/(n^2 - 3/5)