
Symbolic-numeric tools

This module implements symbolic-numeric features such as the computation of values of univariate D-finite functions, and connection matrices between regular points of univariate differential operators.

The basic features are accessible through methods of univariate differential operators, such as numerical_solution() and numerical_transition_matrix(). Only more advanced or experimental functionality requires calling this module directly. A short introduction to the features most likely to be of interest to casual users can be found in the paper Rigorous Multiple-Precision Evaluation of D-Finite Functions in SageMath by the author, available at <https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.01967>. See also ore_algebra.examples for more examples.

Please note that this software is intended both for “end users” interested in performing symbolic-numeric computations with D-finite functions, and as a playground for experimenting with algorithms doing such computations. As a consequence, some features may be undocumented and/or very experimental.

Advanced API (unstable)

ore_algebra.analytic.bounds Error bounds
ore_algebra.analytic.context Analytic continuation contexts
ore_algebra.analytic.function D-Finite analytic functions
ore_algebra.analytic.monodromy Monodromy matrices
ore_algebra.analytic.path Analytic continuation paths
ore_algebra.analytic.polynomial_approximation Rigorous approximation of D-finite functions by polynomials
ore_algebra.analytic.ui Some convenience functions for features not yet easily accessible from methods of differential operators.

Additional examples

ore_algebra.analytic.examples.misc Miscellaneous examples

Basic Usage


sage: from ore_algebra import OreAlgebra, DifferentialOperators
sage: Pol.<x> = QQ[]
sage: Dop.<Dx> = OreAlgebra(Pol)
sage: QQi.<i> = QuadraticField(-1)

An operator of order 2 annihilating arctan(x) and the constants:

sage: dop = (x^2 + 1)*Dx^2 + 2*x*Dx

sage: dop.numerical_solution([0, 1], [0, 1], 1e-30)

sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1], 1e-20)
[  [1.00...] [0.7853981633974483096...]]
[  [+/- ...] [0.5000000000000000000...]]

Display some information on what is going on:

sage: import logging
sage: logging.basicConfig()
sage: logger = logging.getLogger('ore_algebra.analytic')
sage: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
sage: dop = (x^2 + 1)*Dx^2 + 2*x*Dx
sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1], 1e-20)
INFO:ore_algebra.analytic.analytic_continuation:path: 0 --> 1/2 --> 1
INFO:ore_algebra.analytic.analytic_continuation:0 --> 1/2: ordinary case
INFO:ore_algebra.analytic.naive_sum:summed ... terms, ...
[  [1.00...] [0.7853981633974483096...]]
[  [+/- ...] [0.5000000000000000000...]]
sage: logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

An operator annihilating exp + arctan:

sage: dop = (x+1)*(x^2+1)*Dx^3-(x-1)*(x^2-3)*Dx^2-2*(x^2+2*x-1)*Dx
sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix( [0, 1+i], 1e-10)
[ [1.00...] + [+/- ...]*I  [1.017221967...] + [0.402359478...]*I  [-1.097056...] + [3.76999161...]*I]
[ [+/- ...] + [+/- ...]*I  [0.200000000...] + [-0.40000000...]*I  [2.5373878...] + [5.37471057...]*I]
[ [+/- ...] + [+/- ...]*I  [-0.04000000...] + [0.280000000...]*I  [1.5486939...] + [1.72735528...]*I]

Regular Singular Connection Problems

Connection to a singular point:

sage: NF.<sqrt2> = QuadraticField(2)
sage: dop = (x^2 - 2)*Dx^2 + x + 1
sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1, sqrt2], 1e-10)
[ [2.49388...] + [...]*I  [2.40894...] + [...]*I]
[[-0.20354...] + [...]*I  [0.20437...] + [6.45961...]*I]

This kind of connection matrices linking ordinary points to regular singular points can be used to compute classical special functions, like Bessel functions:

sage: alg = QQbar(-20)^(1/3)
sage: (x*Dx^2 + Dx + x).numerical_transition_matrix([0, alg], 1e-8)
[ [3.7849872...] +  [1.7263190...]*I  [1.3140884...] + [-2.3112610...]*I]
[ [1.0831414...] + [-3.3595150...]*I  [-2.0854436...] + [-0.7923237...]*I]

sage: t = SR.var('t')
sage: f1 = (ln(2) - euler_gamma - I*pi/2)*bessel_J(0, t) - bessel_K(0, I*t)
sage: f2 = bessel_J(0, t)
sage: matrix([[f1, f2], [diff(f1, t), diff(f2, t)]]).subs(t=alg.n()).n()
[ 3.7849872... + 1.7263190...*I    1.3140884... - 2.3112610...*I]
[ 1.0831414... - 3.3595150...*I   -2.0854436... - 0.7923237...*I]

or the cosine integral:

sage: dop = x*Dx^3 + 2*Dx^2 + x*Dx
sage: ini = [1, CBF(euler_gamma), 0]

sage: dop.numerical_solution(ini, path=[0, sqrt(2)])
sage: CBF(sqrt(2)).ci()

sage: dop.numerical_solution(ini, path=[0, 456/123*i+1])
[6.1267878728616...] + [-3.39197789100074...]*I
sage: CBF(456/123*I + 1).ci()
[6.126787872861...] + [-3.391977891000...]*I

The slightly less classical Whittaker functions are an interesting test case as they involve irrational exponents:

sage: dop = 4*x^2*Dx^2 + (-x^2+8*x-11)
sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 10])
[[-3.829367993175840...]  [7.857756823216673...]]
[[-1.135875563239369...]  [1.426170676718429...]]

sage: kappa, mu = CBF(2), CBF(sqrt(3))
sage: z = CBF(10)
sage: dop.numerical_solution(ini=[0,1], path=[0, z]) # Whittaker M
[7.85775682321...] + [+/- ...]*I
sage: (-z/2).exp()*z^(mu+1/2)*z.hypergeometric([mu-kappa+1/2],[1+2*mu])

This one has both algebraic exponents and an algebraic evaluation point:

sage: alg = NumberField(x^6+86*x^5+71*x^4-80*x^3+2*x^2+7*x+24, 'alg',
....:                   embedding=CC(0.6515637 + 0.3731162*I)).gen()
sage: dop = 4*x^2*Dx^2 + (-x^2+8*x-11)
sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, alg])
[[2.503339393562986...]  + [-0.714903133441901...]*I [0.2144377477885843...] + [0.3310657638490197...]*I]
[[-0.4755983564143503...] + [2.154602091528463...]*I [0.9461935691709922...] + [0.3918807160953653...]*I]

Another use of “singular” transition matrices is in combinatorics, in relation with singularity analysis. Here is the constant factor in the asymptotic expansion of Apéry numbers (compare M. D. Hirschhorn, Estimating the Apéry numbers, Fibonacci Quart. 50, 2012, 129–131), computed as a connection constant:

sage: _, z, Dz = DifferentialOperators(QQ, 'z')
sage: dop = (z^2*(z^2-34*z+1)*Dz^3 + 3*z*(2*z^2-51*z+1)*Dz^2
....:       + (7*z^2-112*z+1)*Dz + (z-5))
sage: roots = dop.leading_coefficient().roots(AA)
sage: roots
[(0, 2), (0.02943725152285942?, 1), (33.97056274847714?, 1)]
sage: mat = dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, roots[1][0]], 1e-10)
sage: mat.list()
 [+/- ...]*I,
sage: cst = -((1/4)*I)*(1+2^(1/2))^2*2^(3/4)/(pi*(2*2^(1/2)-3))
sage: mat[1][2].overlaps(CBF(cst))

The EXPERIMENTAL assume_analytic authorizes paths that go through a singular point, and makes the assumption that the solution(s) of interest are analytic at that point:

sage: dop = ((x-1)^2*Dx-1).lclm(Dx-1)
sage: dop.local_basis_monomials(0)
[1, x^2]

sage: dop.numerical_solution([1, 1/2],[0, 2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Step 0 --> 2 passes through or too close to singular point 1...

sage: dop.numerical_solution([1, 1/2],[0, 1, 2])
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: analytic continuation through irregular singular points
is not supported

sage: dop.numerical_solution([1, 1/2],[0, 2], assume_analytic=True)
[7.389056098930650...] + [+/- ...]*I

Note that it can lead to surprising results. In this example, the equation has order one, and analytic continuation around the singular point yields the same value from both sides, but the function is not analytic:

sage: _.<y> = Pol.fraction_field()[]
sage: y = Pol.fraction_field().extension(y^3 - x^2*(x+1)).gen()
sage: dop = (x*Dx-1).annihilator_of_composition(y)
sage: dop.numerical_solution([1], [0, -1+i, -2], assume_analytic=True)
[-1.587401051968199...] + [+/- ...]*I
sage: dop.numerical_solution([1], [0, -1-i, -2], assume_analytic=True)
[-1.587401051968199...] + [+/- ...]*I
sage: dop.numerical_solution([1], [0, -2], assume_analytic=True)
[0.7937005259840997...] + [1.374729636998602...]*I


The author would like to thank the following people for comments, examples, bug reports, or feedback:

Jakob Ablinger, Frédéric Chyzak, Manuel Kauers, Christoph Koutschan, Christoph Lauter, Pierre Lairez, Yvan Le Borgne, Steve Melczer, Clemens Raab, Bruno Salvy, Emre Sertoz, Armin Straub, Michael Wallner.



sage: import ore_algebra.analytic.polynomial_approximation as pa
sage: Dop(x).numerical_solution([], [0, 1])
sage: (Dx - 1).numerical_solution([42], [1])
sage: Dx.numerical_solution([1], [0, 1], 1e-10).parent()
Real ball field with 3... precision

sage: logger = logging.getLogger('ore_algebra.analytic.binary_splitting')
sage: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
sage: (Dx - 1).numerical_solution([1], [0, i + pi], algorithm="binsplit")
[12.5029695888765...] + [19.4722214188416...]*I
sage: logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

sage: (Dx^2 + 1).numerical_solution(vector([1, 0]), [0, 1])
sage: (Dx^2 + 1).numerical_solution(column_matrix([0, 1]), [0, 1])
sage: (Dx^2 + 1).numerical_solution(range(2), [0, 1])

sage: _, y, Dy = DifferentialOperators(QQ, 'y')
sage: (Dx^2 - x).numerical_solution(ini, [0, 2], post_transform=Dy)
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: ...

sage: dop = x*Dx^3 + 2*Dx^2 + x*Dx
sage: ini = [1, CBF(euler_gamma), 0] # Cosine integral
sage: dop.numerical_solution(ini, path=[0, sqrt(2)], post_transform=Dx^10)
sage: (Dx^2 - 1).numerical_transition_matrix([1, 1])
[1.0000000000000000                  0]
[                 0 1.0000000000000000]
sage: Dop(x).numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1])
sage: _, y, Dy = DifferentialOperators(QuadraticField(-2))
sage: Dy.numerical_transition_matrix([0]).parent()
Full MatrixSpace of 1 by 1 dense matrices over Complex ball field...

sage: (x^2*Dx + 1).numerical_solution([1], [-1, 0])
Traceback (most recent call last):
NotImplementedError: analytic continuation through irregular
singular points is not supported

sage: import logging; logging.basicConfig()
sage: logger = logging.getLogger('ore_algebra.analytic.binary_splitting')
sage: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
sage: dop = (x^2 + 1)*Dx^2 + 2*x*Dx
sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0,1], algorithm="binsplit")
[ [1.0000000000000...] [0.785398163397448...]]
[            [+/- ...] [0.500000000000000...]]
sage: logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)

Some corner cases:

sage: (x*Dx + 1).numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1], 1e-10)

sage: (x*Dx + 1).numerical_transition_matrix([0, 0], 1e-10)

sage: dop = x*Dx^3 + 2*Dx^2 + x*Dx
sage: mat = dop.numerical_transition_matrix([-1, 0, i, -1])
sage: id = identity_matrix(3)
sage: all(y.rad() < 1e-13 for row in (mat - id) for y in row)

A recurrence with constant coefficients:

sage: (Dx - (x - 1)).numerical_solution(ini=[1], path=[0, i/30])
[0.99888940314741...] + [-0.03330865088952795...]*I

Some simple tests involving large non-integer valuations:

sage: dop = (x*Dx-1001/2).symmetric_product(Dx-1)
sage: dop = dop._normalize_base_ring()[-1]

sage: ref = exp(CBF(1/2))/RBF(2)^(1001/2)
sage: ref.overlaps(dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1/2], 1e-10)[0,0])
sage: ref.overlaps(dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1/2], 1e-10,
....:                                            algorithm="binsplit")[0,0])

sage: ref = exp(CBF(2))/RBF(1/2)^(1001/2)
sage: ref.overlaps(dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 2], 1e-10)[0,0])
sage: ref.overlaps(dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 2], 1e-10,
....:                                            algorithm="binsplit")[0,0])
sage: dop = (x*Dx+1001/2).symmetric_product(Dx-1)
sage: dop = dop._normalize_base_ring()[-1]

sage: val = dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1/2], 1e-10)[0,0]
sage: val2 = dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1/2], 1e-10,
....:                                        algorithm="binsplit")[0,0]
sage: val2
[7.632381510...e+150 +/- ...] + [+/- ...]*I
sage: type(val.parent()) is type(val2.parent())
sage: ref = CBF(1/2)^(-1001/2)*exp(CBF(1/2))
sage: ref.overlaps(val)
sage: ref.overlaps(val2)

sage: (CBF(2)^(-1001/2)*exp(CBF(2))).overlaps(dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 2], 1e-10)[0,0])
sage: h = CBF(1/2)
sage: #dop = (Dx-1).lclm(x^2*Dx^2 - x*(2*x+1999)*Dx + (x^2 + 1999*x + 1000^2))
sage: dop = x^2*Dx^3 + (-3*x^2 - 1997*x)*Dx^2 + (3*x^2 + 3994*x + 998001)*Dx - x^2 - 1997*x - 998001

sage: mat = dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0,1/2], 1e-5)
sage: mat[0,0].overlaps(exp(h))
sage: mat[0,1].overlaps(exp(h)*h^1000*log(h))
sage: mat[0,2].overlaps(exp(h)*h^1000)

sage: mat = dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0,1/2], 1e-5, algorithm="binsplit")
sage: mat[0,0].overlaps(exp(h))
sage: mat[0,1].overlaps(exp(h)*h^1000*log(h))
sage: mat[0,2].overlaps(exp(h)*h^1000)
sage: dop = (x^3 + x^2)*Dx^3 + (-1994*x^2 - 1997*x)*Dx^2 + (994007*x + 998001)*Dx + 998001

sage: mat = dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1/2], 1e-5)
sage: mat[0,0].overlaps(1/(1+h))
sage: mat[0,1].overlaps(h^1000/(1+h)*log(h))
sage: mat[0,2].overlaps(h^1000/(1+h))

sage: mat = dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1/2], 1e-5, algorithm="binsplit")
sage: mat[0,0].overlaps(1/(1+h))
sage: mat[0,1].overlaps(h^1000/(1+h)*log(h))
sage: mat[0,2].overlaps(h^1000/(1+h))

A few larger or harder examples:

sage: _, z, Dz = DifferentialOperators()

sage: dop = ((-1/8*z^2 + 5/21*z - 1/4)*Dz^10 + (5/4*z + 5)*Dz^9
....:       + (-4*z^2 + 1/17*z)*Dz^8 + (-2/7*z^2 - 2*z)*Dz^7
....:       + (z + 2)*Dz^6 + (z^2 - 5/2*z)*Dz^5 + (-2*z + 2)*Dz^4
....:       + (1/2*z^2 + 1/2)*Dz^2 + (-3*z^2 - z + 17)*Dz - 1/9*z^2 + 1)
sage: mat = dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0,1/2], 1e-10)
sage: [mat[k,k] for k in range(mat.nrows())] # TODO double-check

sage: dop = (z+1)*(3*z^2-z+2)*Dz^3 + (5*z^3+4*z^2+2*z+4)*Dz^2 \
....:       + (z+1)*Dz + (4*z^3+2*z^2+5)
sage: path = [0,-2/5+3/5*i,-2/5+i,-1/5+7/5*i]
sage: dop.numerical_solution([0,i,0], path, 1e-150)
[-1.5598481440603221187326507993405933893413346644879595004537063375459901302359572361012065551669069...] +

sage: dop = (x^2 - 2)^3*Dx^4 + Dx - x                      # not checked
sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, sqrt(2)]).list()
[[0.98516054284204...] + [+/- ...]*I,
 [1.43425774983774...] + [+/- ...]*I,
 [2.01886239982754...] + [+/- ...]*I,
 [2.85137242855000...] + [+/- ...]*I,
 [-1.3944458226243...] + [-0.09391189035988...]*I,
 [-0.9214294571840...] + [-0.06205560714763...]*I,
 [0.06603682810527...] + [0.004447389249634...]*I,
 [2.00286623389151...] + [0.134887244173283...]*I,
 [-0.2899130252115...] + [0.040592826141673...]*I,
 [-1.2687773995494...] + [0.177650729403477...]*I,
 [-2.0315916312188...] + [0.284457884625146...]*I,
 [-1.7968286340837...] + [0.251587014058884...]*I,
 [11.7461242246428...] + [0.845618628311844...]*I,
 [7.25750774904584...] + [0.522477340639341...]*I,
 [-2.2555651419501...] + [-0.16238104288070...]*I,
 [-20.165854280851...] + [-1.45176585140606...]*I]

Operators with rational function coefficients:

sage: dop = (x/x)*Dx - 1
sage: dop.parent()
Univariate Ore algebra in Dx over Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field
sage: dop.numerical_solution([1], [0, 1])
sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1])
sage: dop.local_basis_monomials(0)
sage: dop.numerical_solution([1], [0,1], 1e-30, algorithm='binsplit')
sage: _ = pa.on_disk(dop, [1], [0], 1, 1e-3)

sage: ((x/1)*Dx^2 - 1).local_basis_monomials(0)
[1, x]
sage: ((x/1)*Dx^2 - 1).numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1])
[[0.0340875989376363...]   [1.59063685463732...]]
[[-0.579827135138349...]   [2.27958530233606...]]
sage: ((x/1)*Dx^2 - 1).numerical_transition_matrix([0, 1], algorithm='binsplit')
[[0.0340875989376363...]   [1.59063685463732...]]
[[-0.579827135138349...]   [2.27958530233606...]]

Algorithm choice:

sage: dop = Dx + 1/4/(x - 1/2)
sage: dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0,1+I,1], 1e-300, algorithm='naive')
[[0.707...399...] + [0.707...399...]*I]

An interesting example borrower from M. Neher (“An Enclosure Method for the Solution of Linear ODEs with Polynomial Coefficients”, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 20, 1999, 779–803), where it is currently necessary to significantly decrease eps to get precise results:

sage: dop = (Dx^4 - (x^2+10*x+26)*Dx^3 - (-20*x-99-1/2)*Dx^2
....:       - (x^2+10*x+25)*Dx - (-2*x^2-4*x+29+1/2))
sage: ini = [5,4,3/2,1/3]
sage: dop.numerical_solution(ini, [0,1])
[10.87312731 +/- ...e-9]
sage: dop.numerical_solution(ini, [0,3/2], 1e-30)
[15.685911746183227 +/- ...e-16]
sage: dop.numerical_solution(ini, [0,5], 1e-150)
[+/- ...e-35]

Handling of algebraic points:

sage: (Dx - i).numerical_solution([1], [sqrt(2), 0])
[0.1559436947653744...] + [-0.9877659459927355...]*I
sage: (Dx - i).numerical_solution([1], [0, sqrt(2)])
[0.1559436947653744...] + [0.9877659459927355...]*I
sage: (Dx - i).numerical_solution([1], [sqrt(2), sqrt(3)])
[0.9499135278648561...] + [0.3125128630622157...]*I
sage: (((x-i)*Dx)^2+1-x).numerical_transition_matrix([i, 2*i])
[ [2.582900...] + [-2.3669708...]*I [0.13647705...] + [0.1829854...]*I]
[[-0.831495...] + [5.21969896...]*I [0.30502246...] + [0.1440307...]*I]
sage: ((x*Dx)^2 + 1 - x*i).numerical_transition_matrix([0,i])
[ [3.75401556...] + [-1.58459278...]*I [0.16222572...] + [0.06847646...]*I]
[ [-5.01978846...] + [2.71131400...]*I  [0.21692472...] + [0.11716650...]*I]
sage: NF.<sqrt2> = QuadraticField(2)
sage: ((x*Dx)^2 + 1 - x*sqrt2).numerical_transition_matrix([0,1])
[ [1.21483503...] + [0.72868035...]*I  [1.21483503...] + [-0.72868035...]*I]
[[0.8557200...] + [-0.30988046...]*I  [0.85572000...] + [0.30988046...]*I]

This used to yield a very coarse enclosure with some earlier versions:

sage: (Dx^2 + x).numerical_solution([1, 0], [0,108])

Miscellaneous tests:

sage: dop =  -452*Dx^10 + (-2*x^2 - x - 1/2)*Dx^9 + (1/2*x + 22)*Dx^8 + (1/4*x^2 + x)*Dx^7 + (1/3*x^2 - 1/2*x + 1/3)*Dx^6 + (-3*x^2 + x + 1)*Dx^5 + (x^2 - 4/3*x)*Dx^4 + (2*x^2 - 2*x)*Dx^3 + (2*x^2 + x)*Dx^2 + (-2/3*x^2 - 5/27*x - 1/3)*Dx - 18*x^2 + 6/5*x - 6
sage: ((dop.numerical_transition_matrix([0,1])*dop.numerical_transition_matrix([1, 1+i, 0]) - 1)).norm('frob') < 1e-13

sage: ((9*x^2 - 1)*Dx + 18*x).numerical_transition_matrix([0,I,1], squash_intervals=True)
[[-0.125000000000000...] + [+/- ...]*I]

Test suite

To run the test suite of the ore_algebra.analytic subpackage, run:

src$ PYTHONPATH="$PWD" sage -t ore_algebra/analytic/