21st International Conference on Near-rings, Near-fields and related topics

Abbey Vorau (Styria, Austria)
July 26th - August 1st, 2009

Nearings 09

The Conference is organised under the auspices of TU Wien by Rainer Mlitz, Institut für Analysis & Scientific Computing, TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology).

About Vorau

Vorau is a village nicely situated in the styrian woodlands south of the mountains called Fischbacher Alpen and offers good possibilities for hiking. The abbey of Vorau where the Conference will take place was founded in 1163 and is still belonging to the order »Augustiner Chorherren«; the actual buildings mainly date back to the 17th century. Nearby, an open air museum shows typical houses of the region.

Scientific Program

There will be invited 1 hour survey lectures and short presentations (20 minutes) of recent research results. Following the example of the 2007 conference, the survey lectures will partially be devoted to areas outside (but in vicinity) of nearring theory. A problem session is planned.

The complete scientific program including abstracts is now available as PDF-file.

Supporting materials to the talks can now be downloaded from the Handouts-Page.

Invited Speakers

Scientific Committee

Rainer Mlitz, Erhard Aichinger

Recent Updates

2009-08-03: Include Handouts-Page.

2009-08-02: Include scientific program and abstracts.

2009-08-02: Now hosted at near-rings homepage in Linz.

2009-03-31: First draft of this website published.